Rice shoots grow out of water, and there is just a few hours time period, during which millet weeds are already dead, but but rice is still alive…

Rice shoots grow out of water, and there is just a few hours time period, during which millet weeds are already dead, but but rice is still alive…
A very important part in rice cultivation process is soil preparation. The last stage of pre-sowing is carried out in the day of organic rice sowing. It is important that the water level in paddy fields is kept constant. For that purpose, automatic water level sensors are installed on each rice field.
We do not use chemical fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides at any stage of organic rice production.
In the processes of leaf nutrition and plant treatment from diseases only organic preparations are used. Those procedures are carried out by drones.
Irrigation channels are kept clean through the use of special mechanical methods applied before watering.
When rice is almost ripe, watering is stopped for the period of time, during which rice matures completely. Water is absorbed without any external intervention, and water level is not being dropped in order to not damage the crops.
Harvesting in carried out piecemeal, and that gives a possibility to achieve high grain moisture – about 14,5% – 15%.
Rice arrives to the factory just a month later, when watercore has already been formed.