Organic soy is, first of all, a whole set of different complicated mechanical processes. On our fields autumn soil tillage is ploughing (22-27 cm deep) and soil disking.

Organic soy is, first of all, a whole set of different complicated mechanical processes. On our fields autumn soil tillage is ploughing (22-27 cm deep) and soil disking.
Working with spring soil implies several pre-sowing cultivations and sowing seeds to a depth of 4 cm, using seeder “Matermak” and tractor with navigation system. This sowing allows, if necessary, to repeat harrowing several times using different machinery.
Amount of seeds per hectare is increased to 800 thousand, which enables us to to carry out different mechanical processes without crop loss.
It is very important to cultivate soy on low speed with minimum depth of 7cm with minimum protection area.
Soy is very responsive to watering, which is needed to be carried out during seed developing stage. Important!!! Watering of soy fields can be carried out only within 24 hours, because if the crops stay in the water for too long, their structure, and, therefore, quality can be damaged. High quality watering increases the yield by 25%.
When you are watching this process, you understand, that happiness is when you don’t need anything, apart from what you already have.
Candidate of science
Berezovskaya Svetlana